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N. Korea capable of making one nuclear weapon with less than 6kg of plutonium
North Korea plutonium production resumed - US intelligence chief
N. Korea capable of harvesting plutonium, close to fielding road-mobile ICBM: U.S. intel. chief
PRIME TIME NEWS 22:00 Korea and Japan to hold foreign ministers' meeting in Seoul on Monday
N. Korea seems to have shut down nuclear reactor: U.S. think tank 미 연구소, "
N. Korea developed miniaturized nuclear devices to fit missiles' warheads: Reuters
Report launch: 'DPRK strategic capabilities and security on the Korean Peninsula: looking ahead'
NEWSLINE AT NOON 12:00 Christmas masses held to celebrate birth of Jesus Christ
EARLY EDITION 18:00 Christmas masses, services held to celebrate birth of Jesus Christ
N. Korea could conduct missile launch in February: Expert
North Korea nuclear: Plutonium reactor 'restarted'
Nuclear Watch: N. Korea says have 40 kg of weapons-grade plutonium Park urges dialogue 1/6/2015